The Benefits of Wheatgrass

Nourish The Body

The perfect start to the day or as a pick me up in the afternoon!

Why Is Wheatgrass Good For You?

Wheatgrass juice has for many years been highly regarded by health professionals around the world for its remarkable nourishing and energising properties, drinking Live Wheatgrass juice regularly may contribute to achieving healthy levels, thereby help:

Nourish the body

Good for you

Good for you

      The Science

      Analysis has proven time and again that in contrast to processed alternatives, live fresh, premium Wheatgrass juice contains a much broader spectrum of precious vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and enzymes.

      Furthermore, the process of juicing itself, the force that is required to express the juice from the grass results in breaking down of the cellular structure releasing a cocktail of minute nutritional elements which are far more easily absorbed by our bodies.

      Research confirms that in order to get the maximum benefit, wheatgrass should be consumed on an empty stomach. So first thing in the morning, 15 min before breakfast, a real energising start to the day. Or alternatively enjoy 2 hours after eating lunch as the perfect afternoon pick me up!


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